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New Year Reflections
The New Year Reflections project is a fun and educational way for students to reflect on the past year and plan for the future. With the help of AccuCut’s MARK 5™ Die-Cutting Machine and Circle-Spinner die, students can create their own circle spinners and decorate them with their thoughts and plans for the new year. The New Year Reflections project is a great way to help students reflect on the past and look forward to the future.

Materials Needed:
- AccuCut MARK 5™ Die-Cutting Machine (AC5500)
- AccuCut Circle Spinner-Jumbo (C2008J)
- Construction Paper
- Pens, Pencils, or Markers
- Paper Fastener (Optional)
- Glue
- Place up to 6 layers of construction paper on the AccuCut Circle Spinner die.
- Run the die through the MARK 5 die-cutting machine, cutting one circle spinner for each student.
- Give each student a circle and provide them with prompts to reflect on the past year and plan for the upcoming year. Some examples of prompts could include:
- What were some of your favorite memories?
- What were some challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?
- What are some goals you have for the next year?
- How do you plan to make next year even better than this year?
- Have the students write their answers on their circles using pens, pencils, or markers. Encourage them to be creative and use their imagination.
- Option: If desired, cut out the spinner and assemble it using a paper fastener. This can turn the activity into a fun game where students can spin the spinner and answer the prompts on their circles.
- Once the students have completed their reflections, have them glue their circles onto a piece of construction paper to create a display. This can be hung in the classroom as a reminder of the students’ goals and plans for the new year.

Download the full 12-month curriculum!